Thursday, January 17, 2008


Here is what I've learned so far:

*Aperture- an opening such as a hole, slit, crack, gap, etc. that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument.
*Shutter- a mechanical device for opening and closing the aperture of a camera lens to expose film.
*Burning Dodging- manipulate the exposure of a selected area on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the images exposure
*Under-exposure- a photographic negative or print that is imperfect because of insufficient exposure.
*Rembrandt Lighting- light is hitting the side of the face that is facing the camera. This creates the affect of a triangle under the the eye.

The picture above is an example of Rembrandt lighting. Jer's left side of the face is well lit and his right side is shadowed. The aperture of the camera is probably open a bit and the shutter speed if fairly low. This is because the lighting is good and the aperture is open so a lot of light is being let into the camera which means the shutter speed doesn't need to be long or else the picture would be darker.

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